Tara Wolkenhauer

That’s where your business-to-business collaborations can help drive improvements and innovations that not only simplify administration, but also give loyalty a meaningful boost. Loyalty comes from your employee base feeling like they have skin in the game—that they are a real part of the team—and a good way to create that dynamic is through the incentive of a stock plan. Equity compensation and the experience it creates for employees can go a long way in generating a culture of collaboration, innovation, and resilience—essential qualities that help companies overcome challenges and bounce back stronger than before. As we all try to navigate the new way of working imposed by a global health event, many organizations have had to pivot out of necessity, reprioritizing the work itself and requiring different or enhanced skill sets from employees. Workers across a range of industries have had to figure out how to adapt to the new expectations, while companies have had to quickly train and match workers to reimagined roles. Creating a thoughtful talent strategy informed by the lessons employers and employees alike have learned throughout this tumultuous time will be critical for companies to emerge stronger in the future. The flexibility to manage changing needs through innovative technology and service is a key differentiator both for companies and their plan providers, but it’s important to get it right.
Read and interview comprehensively, with an open mind and a forward-facing outlook. While not necessary, such structures can help employers track pay equity and enhance the employee journey. “We’re seeing HR professionals and HR as a function playing a more strategic role in businesses,” Wolckenhauer said. Examples of this practice include advising leaders on how to introduce change into the workforce and communicating the types of support required to “nurture and maintain a thriving workforce,” she said. Employees who experienced at least five changes at work amid the pandemic were 13.2 times more likely to be highly resilient, the study found. Employees who felt psychologically safe and had confidence in a leaders’ ability to “anticipate the future, communicate and follow through on commitments,” were among the factors that indicated an employee was highly resilient.
Tara Wolckenhauer currently serves as division vice president of human resources. Prior to that, Tara served as vice president of global HR strategy and planning for Automatic Data Processing, Inc. . Tara has proven success in driving strategic human resources and core business initiatives through effectively structured teams and consultative client relationships. She is a pragmatic and proven HR leader with innovative solutions that help drive business objectives. Prior to ADP, Tara was an HR executive at Express Scripts and, prior to that, at Medco Health. Tara is a frequent speaker and commentator and has recently appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Business Day Live, and before the Association of Women’s Business Centers.
Tara Wolckenhauer is DVP of Human Resources at ADP Small Business Services. The terms of the Plan can be found on page 64 of ADP’s 2018 proxy statement and the current definition of “Change in Control” is available on page B-2 of the proxy statement. About 44% of companies have official flexible working policies, an increase from 24% before the pandemic, and 65% of employees feel positive about opportunities for flexible working, according to research from the ADP Research Institute. The research also found that HR is playing a more strategic role, that psychological safety and confidence in leadership are vital for high worker resilience, and a “human element is playing a more profound role at work,” says ADP’s Tara Wolckenhauer. Established in 1949, ADP is headquartered in Roseland, New Jersey.
The opportunity is there for your company to hire talent more quickly than normal, provided you have the budget. As you’re interviewing candidates, avoid falling into the trap of reading resumes only for what you need right now.
For FY’20, your total target equity award value will be $3,000,000 and will have a mix aligned to the Officer equity mix which under the current guidelines is 70% performance stock units and 30% stock options. Encourage employees with extra bandwidth to use their spare time to adopt new sets of skills and knowledge that are more future-oriented. According to LinkedIn’s Economic Graph, some of the top trending skills of the moment include time management, account and sales management, writing, sales operations, and customer satisfaction. Now is also a great moment to be proactive about scooping up top talent. Due to the economic hardships imposed by the pandemic, the market has shifted and is saturated with talent.
Flex Work Becoming More Permanent For Employers
Additionally, start investing now in teaching your employees skills they will likely need in the future. This is a simple, advantageous way to help workers who are not currently leveraged at full capacity make the most of their time.
Tara Wolckenhauer holds the DVP, HR Global Enterprise-Wide Functions position on ADP’s Human Resources team. As DVP, HR Global Enterprise-Wide Functions, Tara Wolckenhauer is an important member of ADP’s leadership. Tara Wolckenhauer is entrusted with maintaining the happiness of employees, whether it be through perks, professional development, or compensation. Employees at ADP rate their leadership an A+, ranking them within the Top 15% in New York.
Tara is the Division Vice President of Human Resources for ADP Small Business Services. She provides leadership and support in all human resources functions, including talent acquisition, leadership development, organization design and total rewards.
- Tara has proven success in driving strategic human resources and core business initiatives through effectively structured teams and consultative client relationships.
- Prior to that, Tara served as vice president of global HR strategy and planning for Automatic Data Processing, Inc. .
- Tara Wolckenhauer currently serves as division vice president of human resources.
- She is a pragmatic and proven HR leader with innovative solutions that help drive business objectives.
- Tara is a frequent speaker and commentator and has recently appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Business Day Live, and before the Association of Women’s Business Centers.
Many companies had to adapt to brand new workflows once there was a shift to remote work, meanwhile other companies “simply accelerated systems they had started building leading up to these events,” Wolckenhauer said. ADP had already been working toward a more flexible workplace including remote work and “the systems needed to empower teams within our business and the businesses we support,” Wolckenhauer said. “The human element is playing a more profound role at work,” an executive at the company said. According to that Nintex report, many Gen Zers want actual face time. “We found weekly, in-person check-ins to be the optimal cadence for both employee happiness and productivity,” the report said. As many companies continue to fine tune how to make a candidate’s experience positive throughout the hiring process, recruiters who stay in-the-know remain the best line of defense.
There are practical steps leaders can take to ensure employees are equipped with the skills that will bring the company success in the long term. The first is to look ahead and determine what kind of work is needed not only right now, but also a year from now.
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Tara Wolckenhauer
Tough times can shake up even the strongest organizations, and flexibility has become an essential virtue as we reevaluate goals and performance metrics in a disruptive 2020. In fact, a recent Equilar survey found that nearly half of companies have made or plan to make changes to their executive compensation.1 Yet this may not always be the best course of action. With unmatched expertise and solutions, we partner with forward-thinking accounting professionals who value being essential to their clients’ success. ADP offers accounting professionals’ the most flexible partner models, powered by quick & easy insights from the most complete set of solutions for your firm & your clients. You’ll also receive anytime access to your authorized client data, seamless general ledger integration and complimentary practice tools with our award-winning Accountant Connect platform.
Your employees’ soft skills — their emotional, social, and cognitive abilities and traits — can help increase your business’s resilience. As DVP Human Resources for ADP® Small Business Services, Tara has proven success in driving strategic human resources and core business initiatives through effectively structured teams and consultative client relationships. Furloughed employees may have COBRA rights, so employers must know what their plans require, an attorney told HR Dive. Wolckenhauer explained that a recruiter or talent acquisition professional that is “really schooled in business” will be able to match the career growth expectations of the candidate, which will ultimately increase engagement, thus supporting the company’s needs. ” has only 15 minutes because not only are they employed, 42 other companies are after them,” Tara Wolckenhauer, vice president of global HR strategy and planning at ADP, told me in a phone call.
They provide human resources management software and services including payroll, benefits, outsourcing, and more. Tara Wolckenhauer is division vice president of human resources at ADP. Employers should be encouraging employees to be proactive about their careers right now. For example, when a employee volunteers for a less desirable assignment, it demonstrates their commitment to the company and desire to get things done. The more understanding and experience a worker has, the more versatility they accrue. Versatility, in turn, can help make a worker’s employment more secure.
ADP believes that it is important that our Corporate Officers maintain a minimum level of ownership in the Company. As a grade B executive, this minimum level is equivalent to three-times your annual base rate of pay. Included in the calculation are any shares owned outright or beneficially owned by direct family members. All transactions in ADP securities are subject to the Company’s insider trading policy.
Tara Wolckenhauer
ADP is a better way to work for you and your employees, so everyone can reach their full potential. 8 benefits employers should zero in on during the COVID-19 pandemic Continued health coverage, paid sick leave, financial wellness programs and more take the spotlight.
To help employees expand on these skills, employers should provide targeted opportunities and resources. For example, employees in technology who are interested in artificial intelligence and machine learning could receive funding to take classes in this area and put that learning to work for the organization. Striking a good balance between knowledge and interpersonal attributes is vital for running a successful business.
Equity compensation continues to pack a serious punch in the human capital market, strengthening the bond between a company and its employees. This bond is even more valuable today as a way to rally the troops in our recovering economy. ADP’s human resources is generally tasked with hiring, managing, and creating the work atmosphere. On average, 84% of employees at ADP look forward to going into work each morning and interacting with their co-workers. The majority of employees at ADP say the work environment created by their HR team is positive; rating it an A+ and ranking them in the Top 5% of similar sized companies in the United States.
To get a sense of what your employees can and want to do, speak with them about the skills they may not be currently using, as well as the skills they may be interested in learning. In the current virtual environment, these skills are in greater demand than ever before. For example, in order for companies to continue thriving, employees have had to make smooth transitions to working from home, keeping their own schedules while effectively setting and maintaining necessary boundaries. Tara Wolckenhaue is DVP of Human Resources at ADP Small Business Services. Tara is a frequent speaker and commentator and has recently appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Business Day Live and before the Association of Women’s Business Centers.
In addition, ADP sponsors a 10b5-1 program for all Corporate Officers and strongly encourages participation in the program. Equity awards are granted annually on September 1st and you must be employed with the Company on the grant date in order to receive an award.
Trust And Transparency Are Key As Employees Return To The Office
In the current competitive environment, CPA firms face plenty of challenges to not only attain the status of an Employer of Choice but more importantly, to sustain that designation. “Being an employer of choice is as much a benefit to the company as it is to its employees,” said Tara Wolckenhauer, ADP’s vice president of human resources – global strategy and planning. Much of the conversation around reskilling the workforce has centered on the role of emerging technologies in evolving jobs, but this pandemic has proven that reskilling can actually empower and complement the existing workforce. An effective talent strategy will take this into account and act now to reskill and upskill employees to shape business models that will strengthen employers for the road ahead. But if the stock plan experience fails to engage your employees, then all this time and effort may be for naught—not simply in the dollar amounts, but in the loyalty lost from employees who may feel they aren’t receiving the full value of the benefit.
ADP human resources has a direct relationship with cultivating company culture and retention of its employees. ADP’s human resources team has earned ADP an A+ in office culture and an A+ for their retention efforts.
We provide payroll, global HCM and outsourcing services in more than 140 countries. Whether you operate in multiple countries or just one, we can provide local expertise to support your global workforce strategy.